Friday, April 22, 2011


Being April, we've had a lot of rain in the last few days, and my back yard is wonderfully moist, lush and green. 

So this morning, after it stopped pouring, I stuck my camera in its makeshift little "rain bag" and went out into the drippy yard.

 There was a little river going between my neighbors' yard and mine. 

 Yum, fungus!

 I love the contrast of the dark, wet wood and the vivid green leaves.

It's Spring, everyone. :)

Off to get a passport! How exciting.

Love, Stacey

(p.s. I'm planning on redoing my blog design when I have time. I realize it's a little atrocious. Sorry.)


Hannah Phillips said...

great photos!

hungryverbivore said...

Yum, fungus? You crack me up. My favorite picture here is either the ninth or the last one- both are fantastic!

PETRO50 said...

Oo, very, very good pictures, this play of colors and shapes. Amazing. I really like my pictures. Thank you, I had the opportunity to look at your blog. Peter.

Anonymous said...

Awesome photos!! So nice to find beauty in such a transitional time ... from Winter to Spring!

Sara said...

Beautiful pictures! So happy & spring-y. :)