Saturday, September 24, 2011

back to summer: vacation

Hey, everyone. School and life in general are crazy busy, and I am really sorry that my posting continues to be so sporatic. This is the second part of a group of posts looking back on summer. (Because I did so little blogging when it actually... ahem... was summer.)

It was nearing the end of summer break when we went on vacation. We first stayed in Branson, MO for a few days.

Branson is an interesting town. It is by no stretch of the imagination peaceful or picturesque. It is, in fact, touristy to the extreme, and in many cases rather kitschy.

...And it is a blast. We went to a couple of shows (which were very fun) and to Silver Dollar City (which was awesome), but we also had lots of fun just hanging around together. Playing cards, mini golfing, ordering pizza in, swimming in the hotel pool.

We are just so healthy. (Not pictured: the Oreos and Swiss Cake Rolls)

I am running short on words this late at night, but pictures say what words can't. The trip was fun. It was very fun. I hope to post more pictures from the second part soon.
Oh, and if you ever go to Branson, Yakov Smirnoff comes highly recommended. :)

Happy Saturday!


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