Monday, September 5, 2011

Remember me?

Well. It has certainly been a while. I haven't posted in almost two months. My summer was quite busy and our computer was going haywire and, well, it was just so incredibly oppresively hot outside that picture-taking was hard, and blogging just kind of went by the wayside.

But with this sudden beautiful wave of fall weather, I'm back!

I seriously considered giving up on blogging for a while. I have so much going on that dropping something out of my hectic schedule actually sounded rather nice... But this is what I love doing. Photography and writing. And when I think about some of the stupid things I spend time on in my evenings, I realize how much more worthwhile blogging is.

Although I hardly blogged this summer, I didn't stop taking pictures. And so, now that school is getting into swing, and fall is just around the corner, I am going to launch a series of posts looking back on the summer. Hopefully by the time I finish with these, fall will be in full swing, with all of the wonderful photographic opportunities that it brings.

And so that this post isn't entirely boring, I will leave you with some pictures I took on a photo shoot with my friend yesterday.

My enthusiasm about returning to blogging is evidenced by how overboard I went on the editing of this picture. At least I had fun with it :).

Nature closeups have got to be my favorite type of photography. Swoon. If anyone happened to want to buy me a macro lens, you would forever be my hero.

Well, I am absolutely thrilled to be back, and am looking forward to the things I am getting ready for in the future. I missed you all so much!


1 comment:

KyAnn said...

Glad you're back! I'm excited to see your future posts.
